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How to use Super GRO For Gardening; Indoor Plants & Lawns

Add some quantities of Super Gro to 45 litres of water to spray 1 plot of land.
Add some quantities of Super Gro to 250 litres of water to spray 1 Acre of land.
This same solution will also work for garden and indoor plants.

To get the actual quantity, kindly contact us or click the WhatsApp Icon on the website

Super Gro Liquid Fertilizer-5 Litre(Original)

₦ 68,000.00

Super Gro liquid Fertilizer-1 Litre (Original)

₦ 16,000.00

Spray on leaves and stems (as in crop plants).
Flowers tended with Super Gro bloom faster, are richer, fresher and more appealing to the eyes. They also do not die quickly because they conserve water on their leaves, stems and roots.
Indoor plants treated with Super Gro last longer in their vases or flower pots.
Lawns nurtured with Super Gro have greener grass and appear richer and more luxurious.
When used together with Super 10 (a natural insect repellent), will decrease pests in flowers.
Proven test results from The University of Nairobi: red spider mite infestation of roses was decreased by 43%.
Early blight of tomatoes was decreased by 46%, 53% better result than fungicide alone
Powdery mildew in roses was reduced by as much as 35% when Super Gro was used along with crop treatment.
If you farm in Northern Nigeria where the weather is hot, when the sun is up, do not spray Super Gro on the plants because Super Gro has its own internal solar strength which means it has to be done in the morning or in the evening.


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